A Rip Roain' Good Time

A few weeks ago I was on Facebook and saw that 365 Things To Do In Cincinnati, OH was doing a Photo Scavenger Hunt (read our blog about it)....long story short...we used our tickets today!  Had a blast!
The kids were so excited.  They were up and dressed eating Monkey Bread a little after 7:30AM.  The 'show' didn't start until 10AM.

Old West Festival   Just of Rt 32 and Eastwood Road    Between Mt. Orab and Williamsburg, OH

There were so many things to see and do...Saloon Shows, Magic Shows, Gunfights, Bank Robberies, Deputizing all the kids, Costume Contest, Shotgun Wedding...and lots and lots of other things we have to go back another time to check out!

All Ellis wanted to do was go see the bank.

The main street was pretty deserted this early.  By the time we left there were hundreds more people.  This is the Saloon and on the end is a small shop where you can get the biggest pulled pork sandwich I have ever seen... large enough to feed three people.  We could smell it cooking all day long.

The stage inside the saloon where the dancing girls kept Alaire entertained.  I think she would have stayed in there all day long.  Singing, dancing, joke telling, piano playing.....

Cowgirl Alaire and cowboy Ellis driving the mini size chuck wagon.

The very first thing we actually experience 'wild west' was an actual Cowboy Church.

There were four cowboys that rode up on their horses and stayed for the church service.

The preacher is an American Indian.  His mother is Native American and his father was a member of the Calvary.   Very well spoken and right to the point of the message with a few hymns from the Methodist hymnal.

Cowboy praying at the church window.

Alaire took this shot.  She just knew that the bird in that ladies hat was real.  

Ellis makes it look so painful.

Alaire saw this pink cowgirl and wanted me to take lots of shots with her.  Michael being the good uncle, tried to hold her up so her head would fit.  he took such good care of his niece and nephew all day long.  He also imparted all of his wild west knowledge on us.

A few weeks ago Michael informed me that he wanted to be a blacksmith when he grew up.  He was so excited when we found this  booth.  The blacksmith even talked to Michael and told him that being a blacksmith was a lot of practice, time and that is was really hot.  The blacksmith had a lot of amazing things that you could purchase.  But there didn't seem to be enough in my wallet for lunch, guns...and anything else we could find.  We needed Pappy or Auntie Em with us for that.

Michael and Alaire took turns filling up the horse trough....you ask why....

We found this poor lady sitting out on the porch and she was so sad.  I asked her why she was so sad and she told us that her cow Jessie Bell had gotten away and she w=couldn't find her.  Alaire popped up and told her that we would look for her cow and Michael told her we would bring it back.  We must have look in a million places but no cow.  All day long we would pass her and the kids would tell her we were still looking.  They worried about that silly (did not ever exist cow) all day long, all the way home and into the night.  Finally we told then that the gild had called to tell me that they had found Jessie Bell back behind the kitchen were we had gotten our lunch.  She was eating grass and wasn't hurt and now home safe and sound.

This Spice Shop owner gave the kids a lesson on using the scales to measure out spices.  Shew as so kind and patient.  She had everything down on their level.  The scales are an actual set of scales that were used in the 1800;s.

I tried so hard to get Alaire in this shot but it was a definite no go for her.  She loves this Saloon Dancing girl because of her pink skirt and the pink feathers in her hair.  'Wammy, she is beautiful...'
cowboys and cowgirls everywhere

The Calvary flag bearer

Alaire saw the cowgirls ride by and off she went to chase them down.  Don't really know what she was going to do when she caught up with them but she was off...we had to call her back.

It was getting warmer outside and we had to sit in the sun to eat lunch but Ellis refused to take off any of his cowboy wear.

The kids all got gold stars just like the sheriff.

Oh, this was one tough jail guard.  He told us to move along because his prisoner was dangerous because he had committed murder.  Yikes!

There was a patriotic observance in honor remembering 9-11.  Everyone lines the sides of Main Street and we all sang the Star-Spangled Banner.  It was moving.

One lone little cowgirl.....

Some fancy horse riding...

Some sharp shootin'

More fancy ridin'

A Medicine Show with fire breathers

and sword swallower...yes I got volunteered to remove the sword from his throat....one of the grossest things I have ever done!
Michael was so excited...'That's my Mom!"  He even took the shots.

The schoolmarm announcing that there would be a spelling bee later on for the kids as well as the adults.  Oh Michael wanted to stay but it would have made us miss our birthday dinner with Sarah.  Another thing to do the next time we go.

Getting ready for the sharp shooter.

The little guy with the rifle told the audience about gun safety before he went on with his part of the show.  It was amazing that every time he shot the quarter help by the man about 50 paces always he his dead center.  The kids were amazed!  And he never missed!

Alaire's favorite part of the day.

There were no seats available up front or anywhere for that matter so she just walked right up front and stood for the entire show.

This cowboy liked Alaire because he tipped his hat to her several times.

One tuckered out cowboy.

I think he might have been the town doctor.

Ellis just knew that these bad guys were going to go over and rob the bank.  Alaire said she knew it too because they had there 'blindfolds' up.

I'm not sure if they were going to rob the bank themselves or if the were trying to protect it from the bank robbers.

This poor shop owner...Alaire told him to put his hands in the air.  He was good to play along.

I think she could have held her own back in the wild, wild West.

She's taking this bank robber thing pretty seriously.

Plumb tuckered out!

The costumes were fantastic! 

They don't think they were ready to leave.  But I promised we would try to win tickets again another day.  And if we couldn't win more tickets, we could start saving our pennies, nickles and dimes until next year.

We had a GREAT time and would recommend the Old West Feast to everyone.  Look for coupons or something to off set the price..everything is a little pricey.  But we had a million dollars worth of fun!

THANK YOU 365 Things to Do In Cincinnati, OH for the tickets!


Travis said…
Well, thanks for coming and stabbing me in the face! Glad you had a great time!
I enjoyed your post here. I've been to the show, but not for a couple yrs. I'm friends with the sword swallower and the herb lady too. Thanks for sharing, and I'm so glad you had a good time!
Nurianna~ said…
Howdy Folks!
I am pure-ly glad that you had such a good time with us at the Old West Festival and we do hope you will come back again, either this year or next.

I so loved the photos and your blog that I want to give your darlin' children something... The next time you come, look hard for the face painter, Auntie Alma~ I will have for your little ones a single design of their choice~ ~Free~

Lookin' forward to seeing y'all soon.

If you want to see some of what I can do, check out my pages of photos on my FaceBook/Alma Finks.
evelyn wolfe said…
This is great! Your blog captured the day beautifully! I know that the blacksmith and the herbalist were both delighted to find that they had been mentioned. I am so glad that the kiddos had a great time! If the little cowboy is a cub scout they are hosting a weekend where cub scouts get in free
evelyn wolfe said…
I am so glad that you all were able to come out and visit Dodge City! I do know that the blacksmith and the herbalist were both very excited to have been remembered! I do know that if the little cowboy is a cub scout that they are having a weekend where the cub scouts get in free. I believe it's this coming weekend.

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