Two New Beds

Mark has been waiting for this day to come for a long time...gladiolas and dahlias in the two old vegetable beds. Our tiller has been in WV for awhile...Papaw was getting his vegetable bed ready. But my Dad brought it back last week when he was here for the PIG.Mark is getting things the soil ready(we got all the dirt from the path) for some homemade compost and peat moss.

There are 70 gladiolas and three dahlia tubers. The only problem I can see is that after they bloom they must be dug up and kept in a cool place until next spring. Yuck! Not a fun job!


MoeyMichele said…
We've never been out to Herb's but must go! It's time to make a trip out to the Amish again. My biggest girl, my littlest girl and I went to Waynesville today. So cold compared to yesterday.

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