Ace of Cakes...Bakarella

We got a wild hair yesterday. Emmy had gotten some fondant one day as a result of checking outBakerella on the Internet and from watching Duff on Ace of Cakes on the food channel. It looked so easy. I had a yellow cake mix hidden in the know for a rainy day when you need just that little something sweet...the batter I mean. I love licking the bowl. And no I am not afraid to eat raw eggs...been doing it for over 50 years and it hasn't gotten to me yet. Allyson was all hands helping. She wanted to taste it so bad...or at least crumble it into a million pieces. But we told her that she would have to wait just a little longer. Though I think she could have gummed it pretty well. Emmy even made some home made butter cream icing. We decided that it was just a little too confectionery sugary tasting. Way over the top sweet...and that says a lot coming from me. But what is a baker to do. We used it anyway. We had already decided that the fondant tasted like sweet cardboard. We did read the directions and they told us how thin to roll and just how many ounces to used to cover our 9 inch by 3 inch round cake. Emmy rolled until she thought we had enough. They make that part look so easy on TV. HA! That stuff breaks and stretches so easily. We finally got the white on the cake and then it was on to the decorating. We decided to do the ribbons like on the front of the box. It looked easy enough. Again Emmy rolled. And rolled. And rolled that fondant. She had even gotten a cute little tool that makes little crinkles in the fondant. We thought it would make ruffly edged but oh no, just little indentations. That's okay...the little indentations were cute and made the ribbon pieces look rather festive. Wish you could see it. Erika, you would be so impressed. The directions said that you had to put the ribbons on their sides to long who knew? The fondant tasted so awful that we decided not to eat the leftovers so we rolled it into little balls. I just couldn't waste one little bit of it. We turned on the ceiling fan to help with the drying process. If we ever did this again, we would probably let it dry for a full 24 hours. This is the finished ribbon. I will say that it is most colorful. A Circus Cake...a Rainbow Cake...anyone want to place an order? Hey Katelyn and Curt, Emmy might be up to making your wedding cake...what do you think? She would have plenty of time to practice. I am sure she will be sitting by the phone or waiting at the computer for a call or email from you confirming your order. We had some extra colored fondant so I got out the cookie cutter, only to find that I have more Halloween cookie cutters and one train set. So we...or I should say Emmy, made a train of gold. Her train doesn't carry coal...only gold. I know that you are just dying to see the finished product. Well, here it is. Michael thought it was the coolest thing. He wanted some right NOW. Nope, after dinner (which was Jim's spaghetti). I must confess, I had a little piece for breakfast. Well, maybe it wasn't so little.


Anonymous said…
The cake is beautiful! I am so impressed by your many talents. Ernie and Saffi and I will have to come over and enjoy some of your treats soon!
The Oakes said…
ha, when i first started reading the comment above I thought that was emmynonymous making a not so humble comment about her own cake..... nope just erika!

pretty impressive. how long did that take all together?
Anonymous said…
Thanks Cassie at least some of my friends are nice! Well, let me tell you the truth. I better have mom take pictures of me with her camera next time I am over because this cake looks WAY!!!! better in these pictures than in real life!!!!! It really didnot look that impresive at all! Mom, wanna domy head shots?
Sabrina said…
I've never tasted fondant that was worth eating. I've always seen people peel it off the cake to eat it. This is why I didn't have fondant on my wedding cake, not to mention it is hard to work with and adds big $$.
Kendra White said…
it always amazes me that people pay so much for fondant and it taste so nasty.... cute cake!
Kathy said…
that cake is awesome!! i didnt know u could buy rolled fondut like that!! i love the pic at the end where he's in his red shirt with his cake

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