Most Definitely a God Thing

Many of you have read the blog entry about my cousin Tom. He is now suffering at home with complications from a brain tumor that was removed some time ago. My aunt called on Tuesday this week t tell me that both sides of Tom's brain were swelling causing him to lose his speech, the ability to walk and the ability to swallow. After talking to the doctors Karen decided to take him home and do the very best she possible can to keep him comfortable. I talked to her on Friday...
"I'm not a nurse, all my jobs have been with pencils and paper. But I have a list that I must go thru everyday when I give Tom his meds. I can't be interrupted because I might get it wrong. He is able to eat mashed potatoes and he is trying so hard to communicate....I have to tell you this story....The other day he was having a really hard time communicating...we struggled for about 45 minutes when I finally realized that he wanted me to read the Bible to him. (now, Tom , we all believe, believes in God. Karen has always been faithful to go to church with the kids. Tom would occasionally go with them. Never wanted anything to do with reading the Bible.) Somehow Karen began to understand that he wanted her to read John 3:16. She was thrilled beyond words. I have always wanted to be able to sit down and read the Bible with Tom but never pushed it."
So she read...and I can only imagine that there were a few tears along the way. We are calling this a God Thing because, first, Tom was able to communicate just what he wanted her to read, second that Karen was able to figure it out. I think it was God's way of reassuring Karen and Tom that he was right there with them every step of the way. He is giving Karen the strength and knowledge to do what she has do to...along with a heap of compassion and mercy. I think it somewhat gave her a little peace with the whole situation. I think it gave Tom some peace also. I think he wanted Karen to know that he believes in God and that he is at peace with this the journey they are traveling...he may not like it, but he has accepted it. Seems like I am doing a lot of thinking. But what I do know for absolute truth is that God is always there ready to catch us when we need a steady arm to hold on to. Yep, definitely a God Thing.

Please continue to pray for Tom, Karen, Courtney, Tyler and the rest of the family and friends as we travel on this journey.


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