My Cousin, Tom

My Dad called a few weeks ago and gave me a number and told me that I should call my cousin, Tom. I said, okay, why do I need to call Tom? This is how the story begins...One day Tom was home by himself and he cut his finger. Since Karen wasn't home Tom went to a neighbor. The neighbor decided that he should go to the hospital because the cut was deep and she thought he might need some stitches. When he was checked in at the ER they found that his BP was more that sky high. Many tests later they discovered he had a brain tumor. He was scheduled for surgery. Seemed to be doing fine until a cyst developed where they removed the tumor. They decided to remove that. Complications upon complications followed. Karen told me the other day that Tom only laughs when my Dad or I call. (I guess he thinks we are funny.) They haven't lived in this part of OH for very long and they really haven't developed a support system. That's where all of you come in. I am first asking you to pray for strength and understanding for all those who are touched by this illness. Pray that the doctors are able to find the right treatment soon so Tom will be well enough to go home. Please take time to send a card to cheer them up...

Tom Drenan
C/O Genesis HCS
Room #742
800 Forest Avenue
Zainesville, OH 43701

Tom is the cousin that always got in trouble with my sister. What one didn't think of the other did. One Sunday afternoon (we always went to my grandparents on Sunday...all the cousins...all 8 of us) Tom and Robin thought it would be funny to climb up on the roof and drop a string with a note attached to everyone in the living room...along with a few rocks. Our grandfather really didn't think that was too funny. The rest of the cousins were supposed to be the lookouts...we weren't very good at our job. Tom and Robin got in pretty much big trouble. He is just funny like that. I've got a million more Tom stories but I think I will save then until later.


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