The First Ever Wammyville Pizza Party
It is unbelievable but Boone and Blakeley came to the party to be loved on by everyone.
This was a good bunch even if we were missing a few families.
I got out the playdough and a bag of flour and let the yahoos go for it.
They all love a good mess. I am so thankful that the mom's cleaned up the mess when all was said and done.
Kory made sourdough pretzel bites. Each family ordered pizza. Most came from Daughter's Pizza Kitchen. It is a new place that the owners of Pickles & Bones opened in their original P&B building. I like supporting them because they do so much good in the community and they are super nice people. I'm smacking myself for not getting any pics. The pizzas looked amazing and tasted even better. And the meatballs were out of this world!
I think Ellie has found her calling...the baby whisperer.
Adi was able to get a few snuggles in.
And will you look at this big guy?
I think the babies were held by everyone but Pappy. But don't worry he will be able to get his snuggles in when they come to Wammyville.
This looks like a dinner date to me. Just look at her smile. Don't let it fool you, they aren't always this loving toward each other.
Another gathering of the Wammyville family was just perfect and what this old Wammy needed to turn her week around.