Rainbow Week


The boys love a good math busy box.

Any themed BINGO is to be played like it is the last game on earth.  The competition is feirce.

A good listening and follow-direction activity.

They love any type of sorting activity.


Today's lunch bunch.

To go along with the rainbows I added a new element just to spice things up.  We now take time for Brain Breaks.  The yahoos love it and are always asking if it is time for a Brain Break.

I have wanted to do this for such a long time and finally broke down and ordered the buttons.  The yahoos love it and it is almost the first activity they do when the first get dropped off...a few hours before preschool.

It is a big deal if you are the spinner.

Bridger wants so much to be in preschool.  He loves the Art Table.

They are starting to make our walking rainbow.

Colton carefully pours his water.

And here we go.

Color words making a long paper rainbow.

sorting marshmallows

And a few might have been eaten.

Always practicing printing their names.  I have a new plan of attack for this for next week.

The boys are sorting 'rainbow sprinkles'.

Colton was able to stack his pizzas just like on the package label.


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