You Just Never Know What Is Going To Happen

Bailey came all gussied up with sparkly eyeshadow. 

We read lots of books about winter clothing.

And of course, we practiced.

Tag by your toes...

and flop it past your nose.

Gloves are the toughest especially when they don't even come close to fitting.

Table Time

The Snowflake Says Game.

I made them close their eyes while I went outside and got our snow.  They were so surprised.

They look like snow cones.

Then they tried our hands at mixing the colors.

Colton's purple mini snowman.

Bailey's rainbow snowman.

They crushed their snowmen and made them into snowballs that we threw out the front door.

And they may have walked a little ways out on the sidewalk so they could actually hit the snow.

Then they got to warm their hands on the best heating pad ever.

White jelly beans around here are known as snowman poop.


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