She's On The Fritz
We have a huge problem. About two years ago, our ice maker went out in the fridge. It was cheaper to buy an icemaker to put on the counter than to repair it, so now we have a problem.
I researched it and tried to fix it myself but I'm not strong enough to unscrew the screws. So I asked Kory to help.
That's just gross. We got the back off and found the hoses full of calcium. That is what we think all that yuck is.
When you clean it with water and vinegar, you get slushy ice. I keep cleaning it out with clear water. Just a bit ago, I found the water in the holding tank was lukewarm instead of the cold water I put in it.
There is more trouble than the above...
At our house, we label items that people want after we have gone to Glory. Months ago, I found Alaire's name on the back of the icemaker. Then, sometime, Emmy scratched out Alaire's name and added hers. Now Ali Bruce is in on it! I just hope we can get it fixed!