Some Of Us Are Seeing Red


This week were are seeing S's and red in our sleep.

Gluing apple tree names.

Today we added a roller and a knife to the playdough trays.

Beckett making cookies.  And he makes the best.  He makes as many cookies as his mom does making sourdough creations.

Beckett colored all the red apples.

Bailey found all the apple S's.

Colton taking a turn at the Art Table.

We all know what a zero looks like.

John Bridger has a new haircut.  He looks like a new-to-us yahoo.

He is all over the place.  This time with no shoes on.  I wonder where he took them off?

Sometimes when you can't get along Pappy makes you walk around the yard holding hands until things turn around.  It usually doesn't take very long.  It was too hot for the Get-Along Shirt.


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