The Dirtiest They Have Ever Been


Lots of special deliveries today!  Erin brought us coffee this morning and a copy of her first book.  I am so excited.  I made her autograph it when she came to pick up the kids.

We got right to work in the garden.  Good thing Ellie is tall.  And great that Avery loves tomatoes but can't reach a lot of them.

Everyone checking the bluebird box.

Gabe was a big help toting all the yard wanted to the compost bin.

Lots of goodness from the garden by two of the cutest little farmers.

Gabe, the picky eater, is trying a corner of my scone.  He was not a fan but I never thought he would be but he did take a no-thank-you bite.  They are good scones so I have no idea what his problem is.

Levi wrote a book and made a bookmarker.

This is the inside of his book.  Beautiful!

He gobbled his no-thank-you bite right down.

While the boys were outside getting dusty, the girls were nice and cool and honing their watercolor painting skills.

Bubbles by the boys.

The lunch crowd!  We've run out of chairs.

We have two boys with the same lunch box so we tied a piece of yarn on Gabe's so we could tell them apart.  Ellie is teaching Gabe how to tie a bow.

It is a first.  Everyone is smiling and they are looking at the camera!!

And when you do that you get to do this!

Another Special Guest Reader.  Today Ellie is reading her Mom's book.

The sleepers were sleeping.  The boys were outside playing in the dirt.  And the girls and I were cleaning and straightening the schoolroom.

The boys were so dusty before they could come into the house they had to wash off their feet.  You ask how...Pappy put water and bubbles in the swimming pool and he made them get in and walk circles around the pool.

While the others were busy in the house Ellie and I picked some flowers for her to give to her Mom.

Ellie did all the work I just gave suggestions.

Another beautiful Bloom bouquet.  And it was made by the most beautiful friend both inside and out.
What a fun day all around!


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