The Day We Yelled For Noah


We were up past our ankles in water on the patio.  I was so afraid that it would get into the basement and ruin all the hard work that had been done to fix the water leak in the laundry room.

Water got into the bottom of the hot tub.  Hopefully, it will still work after all Murph and Mark did to get it up and working again.

Our ditch is full and overflowing into the road.

All the water at the top of the street and water from the houses behind us flow to here.  When things get to full or backed up...

It all flows over the street and down into the creek.  I have never seen it rain so hard and so fast.  Mr. Bill, Mr. John and I were all out with rakes and hoes trying to move the leaves so the water could drain.  Before I got out there Mr. John said he saw the biggest bullfrog that he has ever seen.  I just know it was Medium's sister, Large.  I hope we can see her someday.

And yes the hot tub still works!!


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