I'm So Far Behind...Again

 One warm day a week ago Jase, Adi, and I took our cameras out to the backyard in search of birds.  This is what I found.  I didn't have my camera set on the right settings.  It was so overcast but I think it looks more artsy.  I kinda like them.

We are also using our bird book to figure out how many different birds come to the feeders.

Me beautiful Star Magnolia AKA the Snowflake tree.

We think it is a grackle.

I finally was sneaky enough to get a good pic of Imogene.

two purple finches

An awesome accidental pic of a bluebird flying to the birdfeeder.

A very hungry Nuthatch.

My favorite visitor, a bluebird.

These two are making friends.

Red-winged Blackbirds


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