From Capstone Presentation To What's Next

 Ellis will tell you in his own words what the future holds for him.  I am so excited that he has this amazing opportunity!


I’m here to answer the question everyone has been asking me; what are my plans for after high school? Next year I will be heading to Fraser, CO, to participate in a faith-based, 8 month-long Gap Year Program with Timberline, a Torchbearers International Bible School site. As a student, I’ll have the life-transforming opportunity to journey with Jesus, supported by mentoring relationships, Bible teaching, a close-knit community, spiritually-forming outdoor adventures and both urban and cross-cultural mission trips.

Timberline is located 15 minutes from Winter Park Ski Resort and runs an 8-month course for those seeking an opportunity to grow in Christ and become grounded in the Word of God. I will be involved in Mountain Ministry with the seasonal staff at Winter Park ski resort, engage in local outreach with the youth of Fraser, and participate in two week-long mission trips, one urban and one rural, (one of those potentially being an out of country mission trip opportunity.) 

In my final year of high school, I started my own photography business, Ellis Oakes Photography LLC. I’m excited about using my gifts at Timberline, too, by joining the media team and sharing our days at Timberline with the masses. This will help me with documentary photography and telling a story through my art when I return.

I’m asking if you would consider supporting me through prayer and donation. The total cost for the program is $14,677 and covers room and board, books, and the two mission trip opportunities. I’m kind of freaking out about the cost, but I’m praying that God will show up big. Would you pray that same prayer? Would you also pray that I grow in my relationship with Christ and can effectively share him with those I’ll be ministering to? If you would like to make a donation towards my trip, check this form for more information. The majority of donations will not be tax deductible, but if you need your donation to be tax deductible, you can designate it for the 2 mission trips. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and in September you should start checking my instagram for updates on what I’m doing. 




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