He Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Finally it is time to put your money where your mouth is!

I even wore my lucky shoes!

Wittymore styling in one of the three aprons the winners will be wearing soon.

My guys are ready!

John Lindeman helped me decorate our tables.   We were the HOT  TAMALES!

It's about to begin!  And we are ready with a chili, a side of cole slaw and a dessert of banana pudding.

There were more people than registered and what a problem to have!  We used every table and every chair in the place.  And there were still people standing.

The Chili King ( in his own mind) recieves the news that he could be losing his crown this year.

You name it and it was made into some type of chili.

And there was more than you could ever imagine.  We had to add two more table to hold them all.

There were countless tables filled with chili.  Then came sides...I think two tables full.  And desserts were off the chart!  They had to over flow onto  the stage.

It is official...the crown moves on!

Meet the new Chili Queen...Chrissey Knueven!

And Wammyville is so proud of the Sides Winner...Our very own Marney Gratsch.  She won with her famous buffalo chicken dip.

It was a really fun night and we how to see some of you next year...remember to register early!


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