Remote Learning Day

 Remote Learning Day was a day full of fun, yahoos, and schoolwork.  The elementary teachers sent home a page of really interesting ideas for the students to do during the day instead of being on the computer or in front of the TV all day.  Each child needed to complete four activities.  One of the activities was to play outside for 30 minutes.  Well, we definitely had that one covered.

Adi was one of my 'elementary assistants' for the day. Don't know what I would do without her.  She is such a huge help.

Bailey Rea never stops.  She keeps up with all the boys with no problem.

Since Gabe has learned to climb to the top of the climber Jase is teaching him new tricks.

Does anyone see Avery?

Adi and Jase took a minute to work on their 'homework'.  If I remember right they were to write words in rainbow colors.

Trying to dig a tunnel across the backyard starting in the Dig Pit.

Great minds were working on a trap.  Wish they could trap whatever is digging in the raised beds.

Oh look, I found Avery!!

Don't be alarmed.  Those are black walnut stains.

That girl can come up with some pretty serious looks.

I see that little mind turning...what can I get into next?

Bailey it up to her knee in a hole that the dogs dug looking for a mole.

She made it out safely.

Looks like Adi is holding court about something.

Some serious thinking by Levi.

Adi must have left marching orders for the boys.  They were all working together so well.  I'm getting a little scared that this tunnel might actually happen...a few years down the road!

Gabe chose one of his two favorite colors to begin 'dotting' his turkey feathers.

Avery loves a good Busy Box!

I'm so lucky that Adi LOVES to read.  She was able to be a special guest reader.  And the boys loved it.

Gabe working on a new turey puzzle.  She said that he really liked this one.  It was so colorful.

The assistant earns her keep.

Levi can't pass up a new Busy Box.

Working on Remote Learning activities.

Adi and Jase playing an intense game of Thanksgiving Bingo.

I wish I had gotten a pic of the PJB stack tower.  He is so creative with his lunch in so many wonderful ways!

It was a great day filled with lots of learning, fun, tears, screams, tattles, messes, and tons of snuggles, hugs, kisses, high-fives, and smiles.


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