Halloween Happenings

Birthday/Halloween roses
For our Fall Festival at Eastside, we were Paul and Paula Bunyon.

Things happening around the preschool on Tuesday and into the night.
Gabe and Avery read Halloween books to John Bridger after breakfast.

Bailey Rae came to preschool for the first time.  She fit right in.  We need to work on hand placement for the Pledge.

She checked out everything in Gabe's basket.

Avery was working really hard to get his paper finished so he could use a Busy Box.

Spider hats are one of my favorite crafts at Halloween.

It looks so painful.

Avery doing some leg counting and correct placement.

I just realized that we put the legs on the bottom instead of the top.  They still look cute and the boys loved them.

When Levi and Jase came in from school we were just getting ready to have a Guest Speaker.  And she was readying one of my favorites.

Rom On The Broom read by Mrs. B, or my good friend Louann!

They listened to every single word!  Made me proud.

Let the party begin.

Louann also brought us a Wolly Worm from the Woolly Worm Festival.  His name is Woolly.

Each morning we will pick some grass from the front yard while there is still dew on it.  This is how they get their food and water.  We will place him in a warm place out of direct sunlight.  If we take good care of him he will continue to the next stage and spin a cocoon and become an Isabella moth.

Woolly Worms are made up of 13 black and brown segments.  Each segment represents one week of the 13 weeks of winter ( from approximately Dec 21-Mar21)  The black segments stand for the cold, snowy weather while the brown segments stand for mild weather.

Louann with her mom, Mrs. Ruby.  So glad they came for a visit.  Thanks, Louann for making our day more fun with all your gifts.

And now that school is over and everyone has gone home it is time to get ready for the trick-or-treaters!  I don't know where my head was because I didn't get a single pic of any of the yahoos in their costumes.  But I sent out a plea for the parents to send me one while they were out.

Police Officer Gabe

Cute witch Ava.

Levi was a walking taco and Avery was yummy Mac&Cheese.

Jase was thrilled to be a Ninja and Adi flew around like an owl.

Bailey and Bridger made the cutest Baby sharks.

We had 37 trick-or-treaters.  It was freezing cold.  Damp and windy.  Some even said that they saw snow flurries.  I did not see the first flake.


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