Almost Finished

 We are so close to having this room complete.  There are a few things to hang on the wall and some switch plates to replace.  But all of that will need to happen on a different day.  I am exhausted.  I started painting a little before 9AM and it is now 4:37PM.

The tour begins with the very organized closet.  Each month has activities and a binder that contains all kinds of games, worksheets, and fun activities.  And no I did not paint the entire closet.

And it might also contain the last of Michael's things he left behind.  I just can't seem to part with it all just yet.  He has given me the ok to do so but I am just not ready.  Maybe when I need the space I will.

The bookshelves are filled according to month and theme. The blue basket is for papers that need to be filed away in the notebooks or manipulatives that need to be returned to the right spot.  The empty space above the bookcases will hold three bookbags that will look amazing.

I love my little desk! And the porter's step from my Dad's looks awesome.  And of course there is candy!  The empty frame is where I can write reminders.  My version of a Post-it note.  And the printed is right there all I have to do is wheel myself over there to pick up copies.

I think I am most excited about the work table.  I think I have everything that I use daily.  I love the green baskets on the shelves.  The bottom has laminating films and the top is lamination that has been finished and needs to be cut. See the three bags under the table.  Those are the bags that will hang above the bookshelves.  I almost feel like I could use one more bookshelf to stack paper on.

I didn't realize that the desk came with disco lighting!  This should be interesting.

I want to add some of Alaire's artwork and pics of the yahoos in the future. 


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