Happy Church/Happy Soles

 This blog is so long overdue for the fact that I just can't seem to get the words just right so that you would understand how important this ministry is to the folks (children and adults) in Jackson, KY, and the surrounding areas.  I love this place and all the people that I have had the chance to meet and work alongside. They fill my heart to overflowing.

This is a huge day!  New shoes are given to all the kids. And each child receives a bag of new socks. They have lunch, and get a new backpack filled with school supplies and a new t-shirt.  They are ready for school.

Eastside provided and cooked the lunch which was delicious!

It was so hot under the shelter but in the sun the heat index was 104!

I held as many babies as I possibly could!  And I got to talk to other sweet momma's and daddy's.

The meeting of great minds!

The backpacks came from a church in Indiana.

He's melting!

This is a friend of a friend, Alan, and he is a new pastor at The Happy Church.

The Eastside Happy Soles Team

This video shows how everyone was blessed...
The Happy Church Video link...
Because I have no other way to let you see the video you will need to copy and paste it.

This is our Happy Church family.  I know some of you know the back story but this is the family that lost everything in the flood that hit a few years ago.  They literally lost everything!  Eastside and lots of our friends and family have helped them get back on their feet.  We're so blessed to have them all together here.

They are still in the process of getting things together for their new home that was placed on the same lot.  They are so happy to be living here.  And a huge thank you to everyone that helped get them to this point.


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