I Had NO Clue

 Mark and I spent the morning last Friday cleaning up and puttering around the house.  Then we headed to COSTCO for a back-to-school run.  Little did I know what was going on in my backyard.

When we turned the corner at the top of the street I made the comment that Mr Bill must be having a party (I am not a car or truck girl) but I did notice that one of the vans looked like the one that Jeremy and Amanda drive.  We pulled up to our spot in the driveway and I saw a bright yellow shirt run across behind the fence.  I told Mark that there was someone in our backyard.  By that time he was opening the gate and everyone yelled surprise!  I was shocked!!!

The First Ever Back-To-School Wammyville Backyard Campout

The pics in the video are in no certain order which drives me nuts but I just don't have enough getty-up to do it right now.  I had everyone send me their pics so I could remember this forever.

I'm telling you and I know I have said it a million times before but this bunch of yahoos, young and old, are the best EVER!  They make life fun and interesting...there is never a dull moment.  They take good care of us and always are looking out for our best interest.  They might not be blood but they sure are family!


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