We Are 'OPEN' from Today 9am-9pm

1224 Eagle Ridge Road, Milford

 Today we begin painting rocks that will be put in the backpacks that will be given out to the children in our area.  In those backpacks, we hide a painted rock.  Today will be a marathon rock panting day...500 rocks will be painted by Aug 12.  It seems a little intimidating but we somehow manage to make our goal.

So far I have painted 8.  If you can't make it by the 'factory' today, please paint at home.  Just let us know a running total so we can check our progress.

Last year we were overachievers!  We had 121 that didn't make it into a backpack.  So we have a great start to this year.

If you would like to fill a backpack here is the official list.  Fill it and bring it by Eastside Christian Church (5874 Montclair Blvd in Milford) by Aug 10.  Or text me and I can make a pick-up and delivery it for you.

So ladies, let's get to painting.  Doors open at 9am this morning (Wed July 26) and will be open until 9pm tonight.  Bring your lunch or your dinner.  Drinks and snacks are good too.  Come for the marathon or come for just a bit.

1224 Eagle Ridge Road, Milford


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