They Tried To Do Me In

 My hands were killing me. I imagine from the rock grabbing, paddling, fishing...Alaire gives the best hand massages.  Sometimes reluctantly.

And you need to be warm so I got one of the 5 afghans and cuddled in.

This is me trying to figure out how she does it so dang fast.

We are out for another Pappy adventure.  Alaire was his navigator this time.

But first the two landmarks on the road to the main road. This is what we call the Cat House.  At any given time there are at least 6 cats.  When it is feeding time there must be 20 or more.  They are everywhere!

This is the house of the guy that came down to the river and tried to help get the truck started.  The day before Mark's truck key got waterlogged when we went tubing.  The truck wouldn't start.  So Mark walks up the road to this guy's house and asked for help.  The guy grabs his toolbox and heads down the road.  They eventually figured out that the truck key was waterlogged.   Good thing I had my keys in my camera bag. 

So back to the adventure...we traveled 30 minutes to hike to the top of a mountain somewhere in VA.

I love Rhododendrons!

The bear might have had to share some of their blueberries.

It was a tough hike.  I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and breathing like I was going to hyperventilate.  I'd take 20 steps and then stop for a breather.  At one point Ellis text Cassie and told her to tell me to turn back...I couldn't make it to the top.  It was too hard.  My sweet grandson cares about me.  Oh no, but no Ellis.  I'm stubborn and I will make it to the top.  It might be a long time after you but I will do it.  And I did it!  While I was resting on the rock I got a FaceTime call for Gabe.  Too funny.  I don't like heights so I never really got a really good look at the very but they tell me it is beautiful.

Proof that I made it to the top!  I had to trade Cassie's shoes because I rubbed a blister and would have had to walk back down with only one shoe on.  I love her Hoka's!

I saw this sign going up the mountain and made Mark stop to get a shot on the way back down.

While we were hiking Mark was researching lunch spots in the area.  He drove us to The Log House 1776 Restaurant in Wytheville only to find out that they had just closed to get ready for the dinner hour.  We were all bummed because it was an actual log house.  I had to check out the little garden on the side.  I found this awesome statue.

The second choice was Skeeter's!  We have eaten here before.  I love it.  Can't beat a good hot dog.

Two not-so-very-happy campers.


We walked around town and saw the sights...

They also had a few Antique/Junk shops.  Who knew that Ellis would be all over this adventure.  He was on the hunt for vintage cameras and lenses.  He found some real treasures.  And I mean he is eat up with it!  I found two nice construction hats for preschool.

Dinner was amazing again.  We had dinner on the covered back deck. And then we tried to play a game but everyone was too tired to even think.


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