The Months Odds and Ends

 I couldn't figure out where to put these so they get their only little dumping station.

Lovely freshly trimmed bushes that have been neglected for a few years.  Rue did a great job!  Thanks again!

I found it in the front yard after a storm.

Some people have coon dogs and rabbit dogs.  We have squirrel, mole, baby bird, and groundhog dogs.  Looks like they have one treed.

Does anyone need a beach towel or two?

Well, this just happened. My week is July 3-7.  So far I have not been called.

Even with our dog deflector she still manages to get on top of the compost bins.

We have always called them bore bees.  But I think they really are carpenter bees.  All I know is that they sure can make a pile of sawdust fast.  Not to fear, my friend Seth McClure is going to hook me up with a bee catcher.

Ava came by after her recital.  Look at that proud smile!

These are priceless.  Ellis made these just before leaving for cards with the answers to the three more frequently asked questions.


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