Photo Challenge Day 3 (Tues)

Thanks everyone for voting.  It is interesting to see the comments and why you chose the shot that you did. 

Day 3 was a little more challenging for me.  Trying to get everyone to submit a shot... geez people...Ellis waited until exactly midnight to send his to me.  It is funny because I always chose my shot first and put it in a folder then I would add everyone's when they sent it to me.  The creativity and/or lack of excitement is beginning to show.  But I am relentless... send me your photo!

Our road at dusk.

And they are off.

skipping rocks

trying again

Our dinner guest...Rickie Raccoon.

The votes are in and have been calculated for Day 2...
The rocks on the river by me!  A close second was Trevor's shot of the river to the right of the cabin.


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