Emmy, The Kids, And Sam And Mia

 Emmy, the Manders, and Ava came for a really quick visit in the morning.

Emmy got the first blackberry.

And she said it was delicious!

Pappy showed the kids around the garden and they got to pick a few veggies.  First onion of the season.

First pick for my Wammy's Gaden basket.  Several types of lettuce. a longneck yellow squash the onion, two garlics, and a bunch of eggplant.  It is starting to get exciting.

It also happened to be Wammy/Pappy Wednesday.  Emmy and the kids suggested we take them to The Oakley Sprinkle Park.  It is free and the best part is that Ernie works there!

They loved it but kept asking when we were going back to our house.  So that's what we did.

Sam got in the hammock all by himself and Mia had to come and get some help.

And I think they were trying to dig to China.

And of course, on the way home we got ice cream from DQ.  Complete with sprinkles, for sure.


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