The Big Chicken Dilemma

I have been waiting for this package for days.  While I was out and about I got a notification (above) saying that my package had been delivered.  As soon as Mark put the car in park I sprinted (I don't do that very often) to get it.  But I found an empty space on the front porch.  No package!  What!?  Now I am fuming.  I posted on Facebook that they (the chickens...not the real ones) were missing and the person that took them should return them.  No questions asked.

Funny thing...they were never lost.  Someone found them on the front porch and put the box in the schoolroom.  I had no clue until Mark said something to be about the orange box in the school room.  I found out that Emmy found them on the front porch and she brought them in when she came to pick up the dogs.  I feel really bad thinking that someone took them from the front porch.
Larry guarding the Goat Pen Garden.

Moe is keeping watch over the yahoos mystery bed.

Curly resting between the Native Perennials and Squash Alley.

I think they all posed very well for their cameos.
 So the mystery has been solved.  Everything is fine.  I'm fine.  I guess I just need to be more observant.


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