It's Wammy/Pappy Day Again

Gone fishing!

Today was a day to learn patience for all of us.

She was ready to catch a whale.

He was working that pole.

My dad would have loved this!

Casting practice.

Hoping that the bobber would move and a fish would be on the other. end.

Sam's first fish.

The Everett came over and they started looking for treasures.

Still sitting and fishing.

He saw a fish jump and decided that it was the next one that he was going to catch.

And there you go!  Fish #2.

Mia caught one too.  He swallowed the hook and I couldn't get it out.  Sam was so worried about that.

Mia was having no part of it.  Nope, not happin' Sam.

Three great treasure hunters.

It was fun to watch them try to figure out what the things in the water were and then how they problem-solved the situation.

Look at all those treasures.

On the way back to Sam and Mia's were ate some gummy worms.

And it's a wrap, folks!  See ya on the flip side.


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