Gardening With Betsy

 Way back before life got so busy I couldn't sit down, Betsy and I would meet one day a week to quilt.  Somehow that got away from us.  Gotta get back to that for sure.  So now we make a plans to work in the gardens.  Last week one day I got to spend the day with Betsy in her yard.

I got to tour her garden.  Dewy and Betsy made these tomato cages a long time ago.  I wonder if Murph will be up for the challenge?

We reworked this little shade garden into a Secret Garden for her granddaughter.  We put bamboo into the trees and then Besty and Adora are going to tear fabric and tie it together to weave walls into the structure.  It is going to be really cool.

We had lunch and then went on a shopping field trip to BZAC.  Betsy had never been there before.  Opened up a whole new world for her.

She made a few purchases and I found some seeds.  We had a heavy load and no wheelbarrow.  So we just used one of her trash cans with wheels.

She has a great little island that needs some TLC.  We decided to tackle the bathtub planter first.  New flowers and dirt were purchased.  The crib bed springs were repurposed into a trellis for her new Black-eyed Susan Vine.  We even threw a little leaf mulch to make the area look finished, which it is not.

It's just me the happy gardening assistant.

Next project will I think her redesigning her fire pit.
Thanks, Bets, for a fun day outside digging in the dirt.


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