Camp Wammyville

 Today it was all about camping!  And the boys could not believe this day was finally here.

Adi picked this book up at school for us.  Perfect timing!

Camping school work in the tent. on a sleeping bag.

Getting ready for our big hike in the woods across the street.  Thanks, Dave and Rachelle for letting us use your woods.

Camp crew photos compliments of Ms Tiffany AKA Tina.

And we are off! 

We found some mushrooms.

Up and over boys!

Time for a little snack and some trail mix.

Gabe loved his snack.


Gabe wasn't a fan of the trail mix.  But he gave it his best shot.

A little water to cleanse his palette.

Levi was making every crunch count.

You do what you gotta do with the urge hits.

Trying to find our way back to civilization.

We needed to find firewood for the campfire.

All campers were required to gather at least a handful of sticks.  And then carry them back to the campsite and the campfire.

We took such a strenuous hike that the campers needed a little downtime.

We all had lunch out in the shade of the hackberry trees in the front yard.

You can't do any kind of camping without a little time in a hammock.

While the littles were napping the 5 year olds had some more hammock time.

You can't call it a campout until you make s'mores!  We patiently waited for Adi and Ava to get off the bus.

Even being 900 degrees outside they all were up for making s'mores.

They loved them!

It was a great day all around you know how I know...I was ready for bed at 8pm!


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