A Bunch Of Stuff

 Today was a huge day!  We started out in the kitchen making cookies for the preschool moms for Mother's Day.

Cutest bunch of chefs on the street.

To make things go a little quicker and smoother I might have cheated and used the cookies balls I had in the freezer.

They are Cassie's famous chocolate chip cookies.

We had just enough for each bag to get 7 cookies and there was one left for them to share.

Going in!

We read a few books while we waited.

While they were cooling we did some schoolwork.

They were finally cool enough to pack in baggies.

Another picnic.  This time it was cloudy and so much better!  The special treat was a chicken sandwich.  New to some.  But everyone took one no thank you bite.

Some Avery shots!

I love this so much!  Her mom is going to frame it.  Adi brought home her art portfolio and the artwork is amazing.  I have a few favorites.

Time for me to unwind with a book in my ear and a campfire at my feet.


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