Preschool Garden Clean-Up


I seriously put the boys to work.  They work right alongside me in the garden.

Their new garden tools aren't just for the Dig Pit.  There was a little bit of method to my madness.

They did an amazing job!

We weeded the strawberry beds and then gave them a little drink of water.

There are new strawberry plants and some volunteers that I missed pulling at the end of last year.

A little math lesson on the grouping of threes and counting how many were in each bed and which one had more plants.

We learned a new gardening word...perennial.  And we gave them some water also.

We noticed the difference in size between the garlic and the onions.  And the smell.

More onions more counting.

The potatoes were the biggest challenge.  You really had to look closely.  How many hills had no potatoes?  Maye some addition and subtraction going on here.

After everyone was picked up this is where I spent some of my evening due to all the gardening I did during the day!

I love being outside with the yahoos.  I love seeing their faces when they realize something for the first time.  I love their little minds and the questions they ask.  I love my (not) job.  Meaning it has never been a job for me.  Yes, some days are a challenge but the great ones outweigh them tenfold.  What will I do when I retire someday...spend more time outside in the hammock I am guessing.


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