Outdoor School

I have been following several people in other countries with outdoor-only schools no matter the weather.  I am amazed and excited to see what would happen in Wammyville if I took the same approach.  Let me just tell you that the first time I tried it the yahoos played hard with just the things they found around the yard.  No store-bought anything to play with.  Incredible!

It will take me forever to put them in order of the day so I will just explain each picture.

Jase and Ava figured out that they could make paste from water that they found in the yard and cracked up chalk.  And Ave really doesn't like getting dirty

I told the yahoos that I needed a new school picture of them so we could see how much they had grown.  Levi chose this place and this pose.

But then he likes this one also.

All the stinky-footed boys!

Tarps for a tent or as they called it a fort.

The preschool boys all wrote their ABCs.

Jase explains how you can start a fire with the sun and a magnifying glass.

The photo queen!

Avery is not into his photo shoot.

I can testify that this is Gabe's favorite spot in the backyard!

Jase was trying to teach Levi how to do rock, paper, and scissors.

Gabe worked so hard on this alphabet.

Avery was just about down for the count.  He rallied for a few minutes because he heard that it was almost lunchtime.

A long time ago I painted a shutter and hung it on the fence for a chalkboard.  The boys have never really noticed it until today.

Pretend camp cooking.  Can you see their wood pile?

Such buds!

The boys practiced writing their numbers 0-30 on the stepping stone around the firepit.

It is soooo hard to keep the sand low and in the sandbox.  Not to worry I was told that one of the dad's I can't remember which could bring me more...according to one of the boys.

This is a plan in the planning stages.  They always need to make a plan.

Everyone loves the fort/tent.

'Wammy take this picture, it will be a better one!'

Lunch on the picnic table.

Levi working extra hard!

Jase loves a good climbing picture.

Jase never dropped that magnifying glass

We even said the Pledge Of Allegiance.

Gabe doing some writing on the rocks.

I just going to say it like the boys always say. 'It was the best day ever!'


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