Lovin' This Weather


One of our lovely dogs chewed Bailey's boot so she chose to wear a different pair.

Walking in those big things makes a girl really tired.  So she is taking a break and sunning her piggies.

I was holding my breath!

Again today the sandbox is a big hit.  And there is still sand.  We are a roll.

Reading a quick book before going to the basement with Pappy while we have preschool.

They love using the stinky markers.

I guessing these boys will grow faster than their seeds.

Show us your muscles, Gabe.

We went on a huge Nature Scavenger Hunt.

They went to the compost pile to get some good homemade compost.

We made hanging plant pots and planted so marigold seeds that we harvested last fall.

They love our new little watering can.

We had some pumpkin seeds that we watched sprout and grow roots.  We decided it was time to take them outside.  I am guessing that it is a little early and they won't make it but we had fun planting them.  Later on, I'll plant some new ones.

This is going to be the yahoos raised bed.  They will plant the seeds, weed, and water them all until the end of preschool this year.

Silly goose


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