Lovin' On The Earth


The yahoos playing in Murph's old wagon that he played with when he was a little one.

This is one little dirty, tough little girl.  And I love it.  Her baby brother better get ready!

The was so fun to watch.  Bailey was trying to help Avery get his socks off.  Every time the sock would slide back on they would cackle.  They thought it was the funniest thing that had ever seen.  They worked together to finally get them off.  That's what we call teamwork around here.  Sometimes it is good and sometimes not so good.

Hopefully remembering to hand up the garden tools will keep them out of the mouths of the four-legged varmints around here.

Even the sandbox toys have a special place to go.

Digging spoon in the Dig Pit.  So far so good with everything being in their new special places...and not by me!

What a mess!

The day before Earth Day and to finish up the week we just had to watch a show...Trash Truck.  If you have never seen it, try it.  It is the sweetest show.  And Hank the little boy reminds us of Gabe.

We read a great little book that gave me the idea for the creation you will soon see.

We have been collecting!

And now we sort!

The finished creation!



The other side.  My favorite is the toilet paper tube with toilet paper still connected to it.

They loved it.  Cooperation, teamwork, consideration, and listening to your builder friend and deciding how it was going to look.  I'd say it was a huge win and learning lesson.

They were so sad that Gabe missed this week.  Every single day, without fail, they would ask about him.  I assured them that he would be back on Monday but that he was having a great week with his grandparents.


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