
Our day starts out early sometimes by hiding things.  Today Avery has hidden puzzle pieces all over the place.  It takes all of us to find them all.

Sometimes he gives up his hiding places sometimes not.  Today we all got lucky he showed us where he had hidden them.

In preschool, we talked about and read a book about Artic Animals.  Everyone drew a picture of their favorite.

The snowy owl seemed to be everyone's favorite, even mine.

This hands down is the favorite Busy Box!

The dogs love it when the pieces fall on the floor and they find them.  Not my favorite thing to chase them down and remove them before they can chew and swallow them.

I had frozen plastic figures (not artic because I didn't have any...yet.  They had a little bit of salt to sprinkle on to see what would happen.

We decided that if we took them out in the sun they might melt faster.  So we did.

Lunch is always an experience.  You will notice the blue tape.  Lunch needs to stay in your rectangle so it doesn't accidentally get mixed up with your neighbor's lunch and they mistakenly eat it.

While things are quiet and the little ones are napping Jase and I do a variety of things.  Right now we are playing UNO non-stop!

It is chalkboard official!

We were gifted this kitchen set and I am trying to find a forever home for it.  If you live in the Milford area and need it please let me know.



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