The Rains Came Down...

 ...and our drain clogged up!

Do hot tubs float?

The firepit moat.

I lined all the kids up in chairs by the cluck-thru window and told them to watch me out the window.  I took the broom out and swept the leaves off the drain as fast as I could. It would gurgle and drain for a hot minute then I would be at it again.  More gurgling.  I made a little leaf dam so the water that was draining from our neighbor's house wouldn't come down to the drain but would drain into the corn patch.

All of a sudden the was a leaf rake coming out the cluck-thru.   Pappy was home and saw my dilemma.  With a little more sweeping and raking I was able to unclog everything.  Meanwhile in the neighborhood...

Up the street

next door

our ditch

Our light flickered a few times but our power never went out.  The basement didn't flood.  We were extremely lucky.


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