Teacher Inservice

With a Teacher Inservice, we have a few extra yahoos.  Ones that have graduated from Wammyville and gone on to bigger and better things and places.  We love when they come back to visit.  They keep me on my toes even now.

I came up with Root Beer Pong.


Ellie gave Irish dance lessons.

Look how high they can jump!

The school bell rang and it was time for our teacher of the day to present her lesson. She started out by reading a Pete The Cat book.

She prepared a packet for each of the yahoos.

And then she taught the lessons.  I was only there for crowd control.

Perfect student raising his hand and waiting his turn.

Levi is just stretching.

The lunch crew.

After lunch, it was to the basement as usual for a show and a nap with Pappy.

It was poster-making time.

And a little fun with balloons.

Ellie the art teacher...teaching her students how to weave.

There may or may not have been a basketball shooting contest with cotton balls.

This is all the snow we got today.


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