It's A Party

 Gabe has found some boots and he is ready to tackle the backyard.

They needed a little break from working in the yard.

But then we were right back at it.

I found that setting on my camera again.

And now it is time for lunch.  Levi has come so far.  He isn't scared of falling off the stool and he can pump the soap all by himself and even regulate the water temperature.

Heart-shaped quesadilla

love notes and Hershey's kisses

Oops!  All these school pics should have been in right after being outside and before lunch.  Oh well, it was a crazy kind of day.  But you still get the picture.

I'm still holding out for one more snow can you tell?

We read the sweetest Valentine's story...thanks, Mandie.

Jase is trying out my newest creation.  I saw it on Pinterest.

Jase and I got everything ready for the party while everyone was napping.

Praying before the party.

Laid back eating

Bailey is getting to be such a big girl.

Time to open valentines.

Everyone got to go to a special place so all the valentines didn't get mixed up.


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