Looking For The White Stuff

I'm getting all excited for nothing I'm thinking.  But a girl can hope can't she?

The Freeze Dance...Bailey is cracking me up!

Now it is time to get serious.

And focused.

Jase finished his table work so he got to practice his snowball-throwing skills.

A little more art on the walls.

More snow forts.

I kept checking the window and the second I saw something white falling from the sky we jumped at the chance to go out.

Have you ever caught a snowflake on a black piece of paper that taken a really close look at it?  Amazing!

Jase says the heck with the paper I am using my tongue.

Here are two firsts for Bailey.  First, she saw me coming with the camera and smiled.  And then I noticed that she had sorted her chicken and pasta into two bowls.  Never have I seen this happen in all my years of Wammyville!

Jase no longer is a nap taker.  So during naps, we do all sorts of things.  Today Jase decided that we should play Go Fish with UNO cards!

When the boys work up from their naps we went back outside.  We all dressed a little warmer because the temperature was dropping.

Not fair!  They teamed up on me!

Just in case you are wondering how much snow we got...at least it was enough to say we saw snow!


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