A Little Bit Of A Wacky Wednesday

 It may not be snowing outside but we have all kinds of flakes flying in the house.  I have pulled out all the snow activities I can find.  If Mother Nature won't cooperate, you do what you have to do, right.

snowman ten frames with snowflake buttons

Levi decorating the back of a wooden snowflake.

Gabe is getting it.  He loves to count.

Jase had his three cards filled in before I had a chance to look back at him.

They love to mix.

And pat.

And create.

Or just squish and roll.

I have been trying to duplicate a really cool playdough that Jase shared with us.  Haven't figured it out yet but I really like this one.

Cloud Dough Recipe
1 cup of cornstarch
1/2 cup of regular lotion

Jase went over all the sounds in the alphabet and a few.

Looks like some serious cutting is about to go down.

Sometimes it is just fun to have school on the floor!

And then to change things up and get used to transitions we move back to the school table.

Building snow forts has been a huge hit.

And now it is story time.

Everyone except for Avery and Bailey drink from preschool/big boy cups...meaning no lids.  I know there will be lots of spills and that's okay.  We learn to clean up after ourselves.

Today it was Levi's turn to clean up a milk spill.  He was not a happy camper!  We started out with about half a roll of paper towels.  He somehow found the play mop that we use in preschool and started cleaning with it.  I had to explain to him that that mop was only a toy but he turned, looked me dead in the eyes, and said something like...
"But Wammy this is a better way to do it!"  He's just too smart for his own good.

Not a few minutes later I see this by the front door.   A totally naked little yahoo that has one job to do... get his pull-up on for a nap.  ''But Wammy this is how I do it now."  And it is not even Friday the 13th!


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