A Crazy Tired Thursday

 I'm just throwing it out there...the day after Life Group is a rough day in Wammyville.  Everyone wears their emotions on their sleeves and nothing goes right according to the yahoos.  We just have a takes things slowly and have some snuggles with calming music and some chit chats.

We started the day off with some chair yoga.  Which was priceless on so many levels.

Jase wanted a selfie of his biggest tower yet!  It almost reached the ceiling.  I had to be the crane to hold the very top.

Time for school.

Gabe took a quick trip to the doctor but he made it back and we got him caught up.

Indoor snowman building in progress.

Look, Kory!  Cutting with his right hand all by himself.

Happy snowman builders.

My goal this year is to find some really cool science projects to do on Thursdays.  Today was a bust!  We were going to make a snowstorm in a Mason jar.  I think I should have used baby oil which is lighter and a different type of fizzy tablet.  I used sodium bicarbonate instead of Alka Setlzer.

We waited...

and waited, and waited some more. Nothing really ever happened.  There is always another day to try again with all the right components.

I found a winter sensory box that Jodi had given me.  They loved it!

A few bonus stories from today.

Story One...We were having lunch and the boys weren't getting along too well.  You know the he is looking at me and his feet are on my chair, and he touched my apples.  So we had a little divide-and-conquer situation.  I looked over at Gabe and he was gripping his tummy like he was in serious pain.  By the time I was able to get up and over to him, he was fine.  'Don't worry Wammy it was just a fart'.

Story Two...Mid-morning Gabe went to the dr and when he returned he wasn't too happy.  I asked him why he was upset and he said that preschool was too long.  His tune changed when everyone got a few M&M's while they were working.  His frown turned upside down really fast.

Story Three... Levi is learning to stand when he goes to the bathroom.  Today he informed me when he went to the bathroom that sitting backward to poop on the potty is dangerous.

Story Four...Levi is on a roll today but I have his number now.  At lunch, he told me he had to go to the bathroom to poop.  Great.  Have at it buddy.  He came back a little later and told me that he really didn't have to poop but he did pee.  I asked him if he stood up and he said no.  Soooo, after nap, we both went to the bathroom so he could practice standing.  He pulls the  I can't do it card.  My card was bigger and I said I know your can.  We joked a little bit about his knees kissing the potty so he was close enough.  And low and behold he peed for a solid 5 minutes and was thrilled to death that he could do it.  Yep, little buddy, I knew you could do it if you just did it once.  I am holding my breath that he remembers it tomorrow.


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