Working Hard Under Boom's Eyes


Levi is taking his time and really getting quite proficient with his scissors...AKA...great cutter!

Gabe has learned to slow down his pistons and follow the lines.  Still working on that pencil grip.

I just can't seem to have enough for Jase to do.

Today Gabe was a cutting monster.  He did such a great job.

He loves a good glue stick...maybe too much!

He loves a good 'craft'.

Mr. Order has everything lined up on the table

before he glues everything in place.

While Gabe and I are working these two have some time together playing games and

reading books.

Then we all get to play BINGO.

 And everyone gets to go to the Treasure Box.

In case you were wondering about the letters to Santa.  Boomerang was resting in the 'forever green sticks'...

They so enjoy being together after school!  Adi is on the driveway waiting for Ava's bus every day.  Then they run up the driveway arm and arm.

Sidenote for next year...When Boom is in school we need to use our very quiet voices because he has really small ears and the loud noises really bother him.  Why didn't I think of this sooner!


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