It's Friday

 So that means it must be Pajama Day!  My favorite day of the week.  I love my comfy clothes.

Every truck, every block, every container, every everything is dumped in the first five minutes of going to the basement.  Not my favorite stage of development.  But I must say they are great picker-uppers.

It was PJ day for Adi at the elementary too.

Bailey is starting to get the blocks and stack them all on her own.

Lunch is always an experience with all of them.  Today Bailey chose to take her really yummy corn dip and use it as hand lotion.  Well, at least she didn't use it for conditioner!

Jase to the rescue.  Bailey mashed her own hands in the tote and Jase was on it before I could get up off the floor.  He even gave her a hug.

And then we had about an hour of gift wrapping and unwrapping.  A surprise every time for sure.

Has anyone seen Bailey Rae?

Avery is working in the Fix It Shop.

He worked so hard that he and Pappy had a little rest time.  He loves his Pappy.


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