My (GRAND) Great Niece Came To Town

 We waited patiently for our special guest to arrive.  She was only going to be in town for a short while so we had to pack a lot in.

We still had to do all of our school things.

Roll them and pick some Halloween colors and put them on your pipe cleaner. It was a great game.

We used orange for pumpkins. We used green for Frankenstein. We used white for ghosts and skeletons. We used black for a black cat.

Yes using his magic writer for making words.

Levi's practicing his name.

Our orange Jell-O Plato on our Halloween Play-Doh mats is always fun.

Our special guest came and joined us for a story and then we all had lunch together.

Just because we could, we mix things up a little bit. After lunch, we got to go outside and play for a while.

Craziness right here!

Lyla wasn't sure about jumping on the hay bales to stay out of the hot lava so Jace, being the gentleman he is, offered his hand to help her across.

He gave her enough confidence that she wanted to try it on her own. She did really well until about the third bail. Then she face-planted and came up with hay in her nose and a little scratch on her nose. 

She got up and dusted off. And then decided it might be better if she move the hay bales closer together.

We then gave her a tour of all the gardens. I wish I could've videoed all the boys telling her all the things that I knew about the garden. Made my heart full.

And she got to pick what might be the last blooms of the year for her mom.

It didn't take her long to master the climber.

Such a little mom. She asked her mom if it would be any babies that she could take care of at Aunt Jan's house.

And she made it up on the wall!

And Pappy let him watch a show.
When it was time for the big kids to go upstairs in the little kids and Pappy could take a nap, Lyla said, 'where am I gonna sleep?'
Jace told her that the big kids don't sleep they to go up in the school room and do school things.

 Halloween bingo was a huge hit.

And we pulled out all the stops on the Play-Doh.


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