A Visit From Firefighter Mr Jon


We had a quick drive-by from the Miami Township Fire Department with lights flashing.

Wammyville firefighters were ready for them.

Thanks, Mr Jon Bruce for letting us check out all your helmets.

They are ready for their calendar shots.

There is a hook to hang the helmet on in each firefighter's cubby'.

Nice place to carry a wedge that has many uses.

Nameplates that go on a board so all firefighters can be accounted for during a fire.

Just a fancy eagle.

Time for schoolwork.

Our Special Guest Firefighter Jon Milligan, Ellie and Louie's dad.

explaining the air tank

good listeners

Mr. Jon had one more fun thing up his sleeve but we waited until the kids got off the bus.

They actually got to spray water from the after tank.  Always a huge hit.

Thanks to both Mr. Jon's for making this an extra fun day!


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