Arm Update

 This Friday can not come soon enough!  Hopefully, I will be able to throw this splint across the river and get on with things I have not been able to do for over a month.  I have slowed down a bit and tried not to use my arm but man, oh man, I have found that I can not just sit still.  I'm listening to God but finding it hard to obey.

Sometimes at night, I take everything off to give my arm a break and scratch the itch.

Having a pity party and Mark supplies the snacks.  He knows!

I had a two-year-old gift certificate from Carolyn from up the street.  I got in touch with her and ask if I could cash it in.  Man, did all her work feel sooooooo good.  I hardly have color on my hands but it looks way better than dirt under my fingernails.


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