The Good and The Bad


The Mason bees have found the Mason Bee Motels that we have around the yard.  Every bed had a Motel.  This is the one that hasn't been used yet.

Hmmm.  These two are in so much trouble.  They didn't dig their way in and I don't think they jumped over the fence...

See the plugged tubes...there are Mason bee eggs in there!

Well, well!  One English cucumber enjoying the heat.

Pollination at its finest.

The four sisters look great and the gords are up and I can't wait to see them climb the teepees.

The dogs watch the squirrels in Bobbi's yard through the cracks in the fence.

So I am thinking that somehow the two rebels squeezed through here to get into the flower bed.  Good that they didn't dig anything up.  Ollie must be losing weight then!  Oh but now I have shortened the chain and I don't think they will be able to squeeze through.  If they do I have already told Murpoh and Mark we might need to look into electric fencing.  JK

Bridgit found this cute little Motel at a yard sale and the lady was so excited that she knew what it was and that someone was going to use it.  I love it.  My favorite color!

Check out my cute Bee pillow for the front porch swing.  Maggie sent it over and I love it!  Thanks so much!


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