Still Getting There ...Day 2

 Lots of hard-driving and scenery checking out.  Seriously in KS, there is no scenery unless you like flat.  The corn and the sunflowers were hiding from us.

The driver and one of the navigators.

Somewhere in KS where there were no people in sight.  Should have was 105!

Well, how about that!

Another gas station adventure.

We had just been talking about where Papaw had been stationed.  We looked up to see Fort Riley out in the middle of nowhere.

This is Kansas.

These are our passengers.

When Alaire travels she always has her little black fan.  This year she grabbed my goat headrest.  I never saw it again.

This was our book.

We finally made it to Estes Park.  And had to stop at our favorite pizza joint!  The last time I ate here with them Alaire had just been born and we were making our way up the mountain to 9,000 feet because that was all that the doctor would allow.

It was as good as we remembered.

First look at the mountains.

Our home away from home for the week.

I'm not a very happy camper.  I like my tent where I know where everything is and where it goes when I unpack.  But I will have to say after two days I was thankful for the hot water and the AC and a few nights the heat.  I eventually turned that frown upside down.

Bear Lake

And guess what we found!!


Beauty everywhere.

First elk sighting!!  I love animals in their natural habitat.

And another!!


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