Odds and Ends Of The Month


Artists at work with a little help from Gladys.

 know that there is a lot of work when I see Pappy back up the driveway.  Not to worry all of that has been taken care of and probably a few loads more.

Avery folds his little hands and bows his little head and says the prayer at lunch.  This is one of my favorite pics from the year.

They actually want ed to be tired together.

Best little farm hand we have.

Melissa shared some of her eggs. 

And these are just some of our boots.

Here are a few more.

Look Wam...no hands!

We hiked miles in every state on the Appalachian Trail...all 14 of them...and never once saw a bear.  But now I keep seeing pics and stories of a bear on Holden Beach.  I hope he and the turtles are there when we get there.


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