Camping At Preschool

 What a great day!

 everyone brought a flashlight so we headed for the basement to read one of my favorite books.

We headed back upstairs to make our own fireflies or as I call them lightning bugs!

Jase waiting for the chalk to draw his wings.

First things first...building a campfire.  The yahoos gathered rocks.

And wood.

They built a tee-pee.

They set up camp.

Practicing campfire safety.  The rest of the crew headed to the backyard with Pappy to play while Levi had preschool at the campsite.

All schoolwork finished we headed for our hike.

snack in the woods

Which just happened to be s'mores.

I think it was a hit!

Lunch for all at the campsite.

This girl was so tired from all the work she had done.

Afternoon preschool at the campsite.

And we are headed to the deep woods across the street.

Hanging our water bottles, just because we can.

back on trail

snack time

We made it out!

One tired camper.

Best way to unwind after a grueling day.


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